Fantasy Book Tag

I was browsing through booktube videos and came across this tag. I decided to do it here because fantasy is my favorite genre and I think I have read more fantasy books than any other genre. This tag was created by JHT-books. All the pictures in this post are from my time in Japan. Hope you like them! I have been thinking that I could write post(s) about my time in Japan, would that be interesting to anyone to read?

books japan library

1. What is the longest fantasy series that you have ever read? 

Belgariad-series and the sequel series The Malloreon by David Eddings. They consist of five books each and were actually first fantasy series that I read. I fell in love with them and with fantasy as a genre.

2. Favorite fantastical setting or world. 

Pern or Middle Earth or Harry Potter’s world… There’s too many choices really, I would love to visit so many places that I have read about.

3. Besides Harry Potter, what is your favorite fantasy book/series?

The choices, choices… It’s either A Song of Ice and Fire-series by George R. R. Martin or Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea-series.

4. What fantasy book do you wish was more popular? 

Assassin’s Apprentice. It’s one of my favorite books/series and I don’t see many people talking about it. She’s a great writer and I love all of her series that I have read. This book also was first of the books that were from assassins point of view and I felt it to be really refreshing at the time.

5. Your favorite villain.

Lord Voldemort. Mostly because I couldn’t really remember any other villains at the moment :D. When I read the Harry Potter books first time Lord Voldemort just felt really scary and I still get shivers when I read about him.

japan plushies attack on titan shingeki no kyojin

6.What’s the first fantasy book you have ever read?

Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews. It was a bookclub pick and I tried to read it and hated it. It felt like nobody read it before releasing, there were so many mistakes and everything in it just felt so irritating.

7. Your favorite Harry Potter book. 

The Prisoner of Azkaban definitely. It has been my favorite from the first time I ever read it, because it doesn’t feel as light as the first two books but still isn’t as dark the latter books. It’s my comfort book that I read when I need something familiar. Also hippogriffs <3.

8. What is your favorite mythical creature?

Dragons! Every dragon ever! I just can’t get enough of them. When I was smaller I used to imagine that I had my own pet dragon.

9. Favorite female protagonist from a fantasy book?

Vin from Mistborn series or Polgara from Belgarian Universe. They are just so strong and in the Polgara the Sorceress you can read how she grows up and she was my favorite female protagonist when I was younger. I wanted to become just like her, kind and gentle and fierce and beautiful. I actually dreamed that I could have dark hair with one white curl like her.

10. Favorite male protagonist?

This is hard. There’s so many great fantasy series that have male protagonists. I have say either Kvothe from Kingkiller series or Fitz from the Farseer-series. I feel so nostalgic when I think about Fitz because I read it when I was teenager and loved him but right now Kingkiller-series is one of my favorites and I like Kvothe so much!

k on movie poster anime japan

I tag everyone who reads this to do this tag! If you decide to do this, please comment and leave a link to your answers so I can read them too. 🙂
